Tag Archives: master cleanse

Thinking of a Master Cleanse

Although I’ve always eaten pretty healthy, I do cleanses from time to time to wipe out all the junk that has accumulated in my body. There are all kinds of cleanses now that involve real food such as the raw food cleanse and the cleverly titled Food-Lovers Cleanse. But me, I’m a Master Cleanse kind of gal. Blend lemon juice, water, maple syrup and a dash of cayenne pepper, drink at every meal. It’s like Drano for the body {corrrrn nuttttts} and makes me feel great afterward. The longest I’ve ever been able to do it is 3 days but you can go as far as 21 {yikes!}. I haven’t done one in years and I’m thinking it’s time. Also, my apologies to the g-d Rakim for the title of this post.

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